I did not find this info when searching the forum

I just got my FastTrak66 RAID controller working as an Ibay drive, with 2 mirrored 
15gb drives. : )
Here are the steps I took, after wasting a bunch of time patching and compiling a new 
kernel, and fixing
the compiler problems on RH7. 

Note: This module does not work on SMP systems. 

1 Read the info in ftp.promise.com/Controllers/IDE/FastTrak66/Linux/LinuxBETA
2 Specifically the fasttrak.txt
3 Download FT.O
4 Copy FT.O to /lib/modules/2.2.16-22/scsi as ft.o
5 Add "alias block-major-8 ft" to /etc/modules.conf
6 Load the module "insmod ft"
7 Create partition and filesystem. It is dev/sda
8 Reboot (not necessary, but shows the module loading for next step)
9 Mount /dev/sda1 on /mnt
10 Move current files in /home/e-smith/files/ibays to /mnt
11 Mount /dev/sda1 as /home/e-smith/files/ibays at boot by adding
      "/dev/sda1       /home/e-smith/files/ibays       ext2     defaults        1 1"
     to /etc/fstab
12 Reboot

If I missed something or there is a more elegant means let me know.

Have fun 

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