I've tried to stay out of this thread, but I have to make a couple of

First, the public announcement of the condition of the relationship between
e-smith and Darrell was NOT made by e-smith. Darrell could have elected to
continue his participation in the forums, to continue providing how-tos and
contribs, etc., without ever mentioning (much less announcing) the status of
his business relationship with e-smith. As with the tone of many of his
posts, this latest outburst further illustrates that behind his bit of
talent lies a somewhat unprofessional and <asbestos> immature </asbestos>

Second, partners have appropriate channels for airing differences with
e-smith. This forum, for an active partner, is not one of those channels.

Third, e-smith is not owned by the community. Open source development does
not equate to open management. The folks in charge of the company have a
multitude of decisions to make every day. It is ultimately up to them to
decide what the e-smith product looks like, and where the e-smith company
goes. We, the consumers and partners, don't have to abide every decision
e-smith makes. We are always free to go elsewhere. From this perspective, if
e-smith chooses to terminate a business agreement, who are we to ask why?

Lastly, I've seen what the (e-smith) future holds. Everybody smile!


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 10:16 AM
> To: Rob Adams
> Cc: e-smith-devinfo
> Subject: [e-smith-devinfo] RE: Darrell May, DMC Netsourced.com
> Quoting Rob Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > 
> > /me checks date.  Nope its not April 1..
> > 
> > wtf!!!!
> > 
> ...
> > 
> > The amount of contribution you have made to this list is 
> astronomical,
> > what a Microsoftian reaction to your email.
> > 
> > If this is all true then I am absolutely disgusted with e-smith's
> > behaviour.
> ...
> Actually it's not a Microsoft reaction, I think. I know many 
> re-sellers
> that chop MS into pieces all the time, publicly and 
> privately. None of them
> have lost rights to do business with MS or had their MCSE's or MCSD's 
> revoked. Money is Money...
> It would be to e-smith's advantage to not do this sort of 
> thing in public
> in the future, as it makes them look very bad, no matter what happened
> behind the scenes. It's best to just let the license time 
> out. After all,
> Darrell may not have renewed if he was that unsatisfied with the 
> performance of e-smith.
> When you sponser a public forum such as this, you must expect to
> take a little heat on occasion. It's the reaction to the heat that
> determines the mettle of those involved. Taking the ball and going
> home is rarely the best solution for any of the parties in the game.
> With that said, I hope both parties can come back to the game when
> things cool off a bit. 
> I, for one, have been in contact with e-smith about setting up a 
> partnership agreement. I will have to let a little time go by and
> see how things play out because of this little brouhaha. I'm sure 
> I'm not the only one in this position at this time.
> It's unfortunate mainly because the e-smith product is excellent and
> because a lot of people have little experience with the open-source
> manner of doing business. e-smith has built a wonderful linux Small
> Business Server platform that has a lot of development opportunities.
> Having worked for a MS development shop for some time, I realize the
> costs involved in development and this platform opens a lot of 
> avenues for partners that are not available with MS. 
> It also opens opportunities for potential customers to save money on
> the initial startup expenses, but ultimately, MS or Linux, development
> costs money and time.
> With that said, remember, Patience is a Virtue.
> Sincerely,
> John C. Cusick
> Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs 
> built the ark.
> Professionals built the Titanic. 
> --
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