Hi Dan,

> Are you referring to the RPM contrib index, such as that on:
>   http://www.e-smith.org/contrib/rpm-index/RPM_by_contrib_last-Noble.html
> Or are you referring to the list of contributed HOWTO documents at:
>   http://www.e-smith.org/cgi-bin/contrib.cgi
> In the case of the contributed HOWTO docs, I maintain that page and, as
> will note, there is a column for which version the document applies to.

I was referring to the first link.....well, I noted that column...but is
version 0.1 and 0.2 referring to the specific e-smith version? I didn't know
that :(

> I would STRONGLY advise **against** simply installing an RPM from the
> contributed RPM index unless you know specifically what it will do and
> whether or not it is appropriate.  Unless you are very experienced working
> with e-smith and Linux systems, I would STRONGLY recommend you only
> and install RPMs for which there is a HOWTO document that explains how to
> install and use the RPM.

Ok, I will in future :)

> Some of the RPMs listed in the RPM index may be for older versions.  As
> are contributed by various people, we have no way of tracking that version
> information.  Hopefully authors will include it in the RPM info, but they
> are not required to do so (and therefore there is no way we can retrieve
> that information for the RPM index).
> > So, you see...it seems all fun to find some interesting add-on contrib
> > for your e-smith server, but when there is no date of release and a
> > field which says to you what e-smith version is needed it will cause
> > sort of problems. I'm using e-smith 4.1
> I will pass the suggestion along to the web team, but as I mentioned, we
> not always get this information on contributed RPMs.  We expect people to
> provide a HOWTO or some other form of documentation about how to actually
> use the RPMs.  All we do is host them for people.

Ok, I understand....

> It sounds like your admin web server is either not running or the
> permissions on the panels have been changed.  From the Linux root
> prompt, if you type:
>   ps aux | grep httpd-admin
> do you see several processes running?

This is the output for that command:
root      7734  0.0  0.3  1556  588 pts/1    S    22:33   0:00 grep

Is this correct??

> You might also try connecting to the e-smith manager using the text-mode
> browser from the console.  Does that work?

Maybe a stupid question (although there aren't stupid questions only stupid
answers :-) ), but how can I use the text browser from the command line?

Hopefully you can help me further....


> --
> Dan York, Director of Training        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Ph: +1-613-751-4401  Mobile: +1-613-263-4312 Fax: +1-613-564-7739
> e-smith, inc. 150 Metcalfe St., Suite 1500, Ottawa,ON K2P 1P1 Canada
> http://www.e-smith.com/            open source, open mind

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