At 18:47 29/11/2001, Gordon Rowell wrote:
>Great. Assuming you are running e-smith-samba-1.1.0-29 (i.e.
>not using the [profiles] share):

OK. I backed out the [Profiles] share and changed the logonPath directive 
back to use ._winprofile.

>cd ~test
>mkdir winprofile
>cd home
>mv ._winprofile
>ln -s ../winprofile ._winprofile

Also needed to change ownership and group in test4 and test4/home (to 
"test". I didn't try these individually). I then tested it by logging in 
and out several times and checking the mappings etc. The Z:\ mapping is 
still a problem unfortunately:

C:\>net use z: /delete /yes
The device is being accessed by an active process.

More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2404.


The device is being accessed by an active process.


The drive letter you specified is the current drive of a session. You tried to
delete a drive redirection (x:) while it is in use, possibly as your current


Be sure the drive you are trying to delete is not the current drive in any of
your sessions.

Over several logins, this circumstance held true. However, logging in as 
admin (without setting up the symlink at this point) showed the same 
behaviour two or three times, then allowed the mapping to be cleared...

>We could then do the same for the [profiles] share and everyone should be

Not sure why we'd need to do that. I agree with making the 9x and NT/W2K 
clients work in the same fashion. Can anyone explain why the Z:\ mapping 
attaches to the profile?


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