>>>>> "OS" == Oskar Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    OS> I wasn't even aware that the clients read the freenetrc
    OS> file. If somebody added this, they should probably not have
    OS> made it read nodeAddress as the address to the node.

Yes, the clients read the freenetrc file (or, rather, get Params
passed to them at launch time) as of 0.3.8. The idea was to reduce the
number of files that a node + services needs to keep in synch. Having
listenPort set once, and then each service (3 at current count) also
have to have a serverAddress parameter seemed kind of ludicrous.

Currently the service launcher will give the nodeAddress if provided,
or "tcp/localhost:[listenPort]" if not. If the service has a
serverAddress set, like this:


that value is used instead.

    OS> If "nodeAddress" is unset, it will advertise itself as
    OS> whatever address it gets by doing getLocalAddress on the
    OS> socket - which would be incorrect for your firewalled machine.

The answer here is to set the serverAddress for the service. If
there's no good reason ever to use the nodeAddress as the
serverAddress, then I can take that out.

    >> If this is considered a bug, I'll go home tonight and reproduce
    >> it and get a more complete and technical description of what's
    >> happening.  Although it may not behave that way with
    >> code.

    OS> Yes, it is a bug. Not my department though...

OK, I'm logging it as a bug.

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 "Statements like this give the impression that this article was
  written by a madman in a drug induced rage"  -- Ben Franklin

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