I agree and would like to ask to clarify one thing that Greg proposed and 
add another idea and propose a workaround for the whole issue of human 
readable dates:

Is the new HTL in idea #2 incremented from the previous HTL?  Only for 
DNF's?  I assume most people have 15 for their default fproxy HTL.

This may be a big deal, but maybe not too big since FProxy already rewrites 
the HREF's of links anyway...  Could however this human readable date stuff 
ends up working also apply it to each link on a page that came from a 
DBR'ed FreenetURI?  So if I go back to let's say, the 2002-08-29 edition of 
TFE, that if I click on the link for CofE, then it will take me to the 
edition of CofE that goes with the same time as the edition of TFE that I 
was reading?

A hackish/kludgish idea for human-readable "DBR's" would be just to have 
the freesite inserter and/or his tools insert a SSK that has a human 
readable date in it like maybe SSK@blah/2002-08-29-TFE or some such.  It 
ain't elagant, and it ain't a DBR, but it would work and work now without 
any changes to anything except the freesite insertion tools.  Heck, an 
ambitious freesite inserter could write up his own metadata to do this and 
insert it with any Freenet insert client and not even wait for a tool 
change.  The benefit of doing this is that it wouldn't work just in Fproxy 
but in every client.  If only people could agree on a format for doing 
this.  Doing that would my request above impossible, but that's OK.


At 01:18 PM 08/31/2002 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > > 
>I think that the user interface should work like this:
>1) User goes to TFE, and clicks on a link for a site.
>2) After a while, fred says DataNotFound, and fproxy draws a page that
>    looks like this:
>     Data Not Found (network error)
>     Freenet could not find the key you requested (SSK@blahblahblah).
>     Your node tried to ask 15 other nodes; if you wish, you may try another
>     request to more nodes:
>       new HTL: __16__ [ Go ]
>     Or, since the key you tried to request is a date-based redirect
>     document, you may attempt to fetch an older version instead:
>       __1__ days ago [ Go ]
>3) Of course, this would only be done for DBR sites.  For an edition
>    site (or an editionless site), the last part would be omitted.
>4) The "__1__ days ago" part, and the text before it, would have to be
>    changed if the request is already in the past.  Something like this:
>     Or, since the key you tried to request is a date-based redirect
>     document 1 day in the past, you may attempt to fetch an older or
>     newer version instead:
>       __2__ days ago [ Go ]
>End users should not be expected to convert a date to hexadecimal and
>insert it into the middle of a URL, with a hyphen.  Nor should they
>be expected to put "?date=YYYYMMDD" at the end of a URL, nor should
>they be expected to put "__USE_DATE_YYYYMMDD__" in the middle of a
>URL.  Fproxy should handle this gracefully.
>Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers
>http://wooledge.org/~greg/     |

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