Attached is a gzipped log of a recent ~18 hour node run.  The node
actually stopped running on its own - I woke up this morning and I'm
not exactly sure when it went down, but it terminated itself.  I had a
1GB datastore with about 6,000 keys in it.  After restarting the node,
I had 300 keys in it.  This log corresponds to the node when it killed
itself and I guess lost the keys.  Starting the node after that
happened didn't yield any messages out of the ordinary.

Has this been seen by anybody else?  There are a lot of checkSize
error messages in the log with stack dumps, but unfortunately logLevel
was normal for this one.

Any idea what caused the node to die and lose 5,000+ keys?  This was:
Node Version 0.5
Protocol Version 1.46
Build Number 525
CVS Revision

David Allen
"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?" 
        --Edward Young

Attachment: log.gz
Description: application/gunzip

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