On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 12:46:44AM +0000, Matthew Toseland wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 06:10:04PM +0000, Alistair Phipps wrote:
> > public Socket(InetAddress address,
> >               int port,
> >               InetAddress localAddr,
> >               int localPort)
> > 
> > Could localAddr not just be InetAddress.getLocalHost()?  Alternatively, 
> I doubt it, it would have to be on the same interface...
> > perhaps InetAddress.getAllByName( "" )[0] would work (using the 
> > IPv4 wildcard address).

I forgot to reply to this before. Binding to does seem to work, 
but it wasn't implemented in kaffe, so I fixed that for them. However, 
the cvs version of kaffe is broken in other words, so for now I'm not 
happy about marrying our software to it.

If this is really important to somebody, they can easily implement it 


Oskar Sandberg

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