On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 12:32:51AM +0000, Matthew Toseland wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 02:57:53PM +0100, Marco A. Calamari wrote:
< > 
> > I and a lot of my LUG friends think that the compatibility of
> >  Freenet with free software is a must; please don't remove it.
> We didn't. Kaffe died on us, not the other way around. Seriously... if
> you can get freenet working with Kaffe, reliably, that would be cool,
> but at the moment it looks like there are major kaffe problems
> preventing it, and it's not a priority for us to fix them.

I think this one might be work aroundable by explicitely declaring the
Interface method (getDataInputStream()) in the abstract Exception class.
GCJ has had issues with that as well IIRC.


Oskar Sandberg

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