and a copy for devl@

>> don't over-specialize freenet, the disjunction file<->splitfile is ugly
>> enough [[[entropy's approach is imho better]]]
>Hey, do you mind posting a description of what entropy does differently. I 
>have so far been unable to find ANYTHING in their docs that seems to 
>distinguish them from Freenet.

entropy splits up every file into 4k blocks and uses an algorithm comparable to 
freenet's fec to create additional redundant blocks (fixed 50% redundancy 
then all those 4k blocks and checkblocks are inserted into the net, just like we do in 
the difference is that every file >4k is fec-ed and thus small files, such as 
html-pages and graphics are downloadable in parallel by requesting different blocks 
and that those smaller files are more protected from falling of the net due redundant 
blocks and reconstruction.
it uses a fixed block size of 4k, which may be too small to be effective, but the main 
advantage is, that ALL blocks are 4k and thus are easier to handle and 
the meta-algorithms such as routing and timeouts are more prdictive than using the 
various block sizes from freenet
also i think their fec-algorithm (which experienced a rewrite some time ago) is faster 
than the one used by freenet. entropy is coded in C(pp?) and so it might 
be able to reuse their fec-code for freenet by reimplementing it with java and/or 
compiling it to native for various platforms for additional speedup. (freenet's 
fec also seems to be somewhat buggy, limited (128MB segments for files too lange) and 
not always threadsafe?)

unfortumately entropy is merely a single-person project, so the algorithms used are 
not tested very well and might also be proprietary.

entropy's board can be found at "";

please read the author's original documentation, because everything i wrote here is 
from memory only!


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