Testing of unstable build 6052 looks good, especially outbound bandwidth limiting which now shows a much flatter line over any chosen time period. This is on a Win2000 system with Java 1.4.1_01-b01. Memory usage runs approx 76MB.

The news isn't all good, though:

+ I think the overhead estimates need to be increased slightly:
With outputBandwidthLimit=5000 set, Performance monitor shows my sole interface (Ethernet) averaging 8400 Bytes per sec with nothing else communicating. This is with maxNodeConnections=60.
For comparison, eMule produces 5800 when set to a 5kB/s upload limit (but that's mostly UDP traffic.)

+ Setting a value for inputBandwidthLimit seems to kill communication after a short time and errors like this start showing up in the log:

Jun 24, 2003 5:47:54 PM (freenet.transport.ReadSelectorLoop, read interface thread, ERROR): throttleConnections(24,2782) called BEFORE LAST THROTTLE EXPIRED!: now=1056473274645, reregisterThrottledTime=1056473274693
Jun 24, 2003 5:48:06 PM (freenet.transport.ReadSelectorLoop, read interface thread, ERROR): throttleConnections(24,1822) called BEFORE LAST THROTTLE EXPIRED!: now=1056473286962, reregisterThrottledTime=1056473286993


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