At 28/06/2003 18:56, you wrote:
>> After 10 hours of running, build 6065 went belly up with all connections
>> severed but without terminating. The logfile started filling up really
>> fast, with about 400MB generated in about a minute - all repeats of the
>> "CancelledKeyException". Below is the part of the log from where the
>> problem started. This is on Win2000, Java 1.4.1, 128MB configured.
>> Freenet.ini contains:
>> [Freenet node]
>> outputBandwidthLimit=8000
>> rtMaxNodes=150
>> listenPort=30179
>> storeSize=4194304000
>> dontLimitClients=true
>> logInboundInsertRequestDist=true
>> logSuccessfulInsertRequestDist=true
>How many connections (maxNodeConnections) do you allow to your node?

I don't have any limit on them (above is my entire freenet.ini file) but I haven't seen them go past 250.


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