> On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 09:31:17AM -0700, Richard A. Hecker wrote:


> > There is a Debian package of Freenet.  It is currently build 629 and I
> > will be the new maintainer since Robert Bihlmeyer has been MIA for a
> > while.  I have no previous JAVA experience and that is slowing me down
> > but there are other issues that weigh more.  A typical Debian user will
> > expect another Debian package to supply the JRE.  Relying on the Sun JRE
> > for newer features hurts the Debian package.  The stability of a package
> > is a serious concern.  I try to keep the big picture in mind and take a
> > long term view.  The typical demands on my time are easier to justify
> > when I amortize them over a few years.
> Heh.
> We cannot make a non-sun-dependant Freenet. You cannot make a package
> of Sun Java, maybe not even an installer package. We apparently care
> more about the windows leechers who probably won't donate to the project
> than the people who actually care about Freenet who probably run Linux
> or BSD, for security reasons as much as anything else. We therefore
> cannot contribute project time to making Freenet work on GCJ. I suggest
> you go put your head in a bucket of sand. It will go away eventually!
> >=20

I know it will _eventually_ go away.  The ostrich approach does not
solve any problem.  The question is where do you want Freenet to be
in a year?  In 5 years?  Maybe M$oft is your target audience and the
rest of us are simple niches.

I understand the need for NIO and the willingness to expand the
envelope.  I also know that it is a trap that immature developers
frequently snag themselves on.  It is easy to spend all your time
putting out fires when a better design would have eliminated them.
My initial attempt to configure a node four years ago was a total
waste.  The current package with build 629 is an improvement but
it still requires hacks.  As a person I can handle the manual
restarts and the 4 daily cron restarts.  I might be totally happy
with it as a toy to spend some time on.  As a package maintainer
though, I will focus on ways to improve things.  I recently subscribed
to this list so my impression may be off base.  I do get the feeling
that the SUN JRE is a foregone conclusion.  Is anyone keeping track
of how long it takes to sync up after such a divergent choice?  For
20 years I have watched projects chase the fresh new ideas.  I was
paid to reach the production stage.  Implementing new technology is
fine and good but we still must reach production.  I would like to
see Freenet running on multiple platforms with whatever JRE is
available.  I am not suggesting a least commmon denominator approach,
I would like to see recognition of these divergent choices with a
general plan for eliminating them.  Hiding my head in the sand will
not improve the package.  I would rather describe the things I see
and let everyone fill in the missing details.  I currently see a
willingness to accept the SUN JRE limitation.  I would love to hear
ideas about when and how it will be eliminated.  It is not reasonable
for the Freenet developers to fix kaffe or gcj problems.  It is
reasonable to hold a civil dialog about what the problems are and
what might be useful solutions.  I only read the last 2 years of
the devel archives but I remember very little of this conversation.

I avoid the Debian Policy flamewars but support the general
intentions.  I find the technical interchanges rewarding as ideas
and implementations are hashed out.  The archives frequently contain
insights never spelled out in the FAQs and HOWTOs.  It is nice
when this type of transparency exists.

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