On Sun, 20 Jul 2003, Ian Clarke wrote:

> Again, if we were going with my first (undesirable) suggestion, perhaps, 
> but my second (desirable) suggestion makes all of this irrelevant.

Your second suggestion:

> Fortunately, a much easier way would be to simply say that all nodes in
> the RT must already have connections opened to them the moment they
> enter the routing table.  If such a connection cannot be established,
> then the node in question is ignored in routing decisions and perhaps
> removed from the datastore altogether.

"Yes, but":

Under what conditions could you not establish a connection?  Is it 
possible that a node could not have a connection already open to them when 
they're addd to the routing table, yet that node is still useful?  If so, 
why drop it so readily?  If not, then we should be dropping them anyway, 

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