On July 20, 2003 03:53 pm, Ian Clarke wrote:
> A thought just occurred to me.  It is quite possible, that from the
> perspective of the NG routing algorithm - that it will be preferable to
> send a request to a poorly suited node to whom a connection is already
> open, than to a well suited node to which we would need to establish a
> connection.

Yes.  The current code does two things to limit the effect of  this.  First
when sorting the NG weight it does not complete the sort, so it randomly
(in a quick sort sense) chooses one of the better nodes to route to.  The
second thing that I do is open a connect when we get a new reference
to a node (this caused the exeception at startup).

> Why is this bad?  Well, NG would be making a perfectly sensible and
> rational decision given that its goal is to minimize the time required
> to retrieve the data for *this* request, but it doesn't account for the
> fact that the establishment of a connection will benefit future
> requests.


> How do we fix it?  Well, the hard way would be to try to factor in the
> future benefits of opening a connection to this node into this routing
> request.  This would make things a bit messy as much of NG's elegance
> comes from the simplicity of the thing it is trying to minimize (how
> long will it take to get the data), but it would probably be doable
> (perhaps subtract, from the cost of establishing the connection, the
> estimated future time savings based on the average number of messages
> per connection).
> Fortunately, a much easier way would be to simply say that all nodes in
> the RT must already have connections opened to them the moment they
> enter the routing table.  If such a connection cannot be established,
> then the node in question is ignored in routing decisions and perhaps
> removed from the datastore altogether.

This is basicily what the current code tries to do.  Quite probably I should
make nodes that do not have connection have a very low CP.  Note about
the only thing CP is used for the NG code to to drop nodes (and give the
sort order for the display servlet).

> There are several things that make this a better idea in NG than it
> might have been in the past:
> Firstly, NG should be able to get by with much fewer references (30-50
> at a guess, but we will need to experiment).  The reason is that the
> fewer references, the faster our node will collect information on each
> individual reference - so too many references could actually be bad for
> NG routing.  Secondly, with NIO the cost of idle connections has been
> greatly reduced in-terms of threads (and therefore CPU and memory
> usage).

Seems that 50 works fine here.

> This will also serve to decrease any performance slowness for the user's
> first few requests which will otherwise be delayed as we establish
> connections.
> So hopefully that is problem solved for that issue, although it does
> raise a more general question of whether there are other areas in which
> NG Routing's lack of a "big picture" could be problematic.  I can't
> think of any, and perhaps there aren't any - but we should be vigilant.
> Ian.

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