On Sat, Jul 19, 2003 at 02:51:43PM +1000, fish wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 11:53:10PM +0100, Toad wrote:
> > External utility periodically polls free disk space, and finds out how
> > much space Fred is using either from Fred via ClientInfo, or directly,
> > and determines appropriate storeSize, then changes it in the config
> > file, possibly notifying Fred via an FCP command, possibly just letting
> > Fred notice it the next time the config updater runs (15 second interval
> > IIRC). Another possibility is an FCP command to override a config file
> > entry on the fly - this would certainly be more efficient than writing
> > out the config file each time, and would avoid locking problems on
> > Windows (although these could be avoided in other ways, such as having
> > two config files). The config entry would be passed from the FCP command
> > to the config updater which would either apply it or return an error
> > message.
> While I can implent this on monday or tuesday, I am not completly convinced
> that all of this functionality belongs in an external utility - for two 
> reasons:
> (a) from a user perspective, the configuration of the datastore belongs
> in the freenet.[conf|ini], and semantically, the only thing dealing with
> freenet.conf should be fred - anything else is just confusing.  This also
> allows fred to set a default just like with any other parameter, for it's 
> own datastore, rather than now having two different sources for default
> params.
> (b) the datastore is a part of fred, and therefore tracking it's size is
> also fred's problem.  If it were at all possible, I'd be detesting even
> having to be fed this small amount of information from an external source,
> but obviously without JNI, this cannot be worked around, however I don't
> believe that just because we are forced by sun to get one piece of information
> from native code, that we should then move the entire functionality out.

Fred does not know what the free disk space is. Fred cannot rely on a
platform specific utility to find out, either, because that might not
load, and Fred has no way of knowing whether it is running. Fred only
knows storeSize, and we should keep it that way.
>       - j

Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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