On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 08:29:43PM +0100, Toad wrote:
> The next Freenet release, with NGRouting, will be Freenet 0.6 (or 0.7,
> that's a whole debate in itself). AFAICS, after talking to oskar,
> current Freenet keys include a byte indicating how big the verification
> chunks are - it does not, for a CHK, indicate the overall size of the
> key. If I am wrong about this, that would be really cool, and I'd love
> to see a utility in the command line client that will tell me how big a
> CHK is just from the key. However, I think I am probably right. Now,
> firstly, prefetch tools, which will be written no matter what we think
> of them, need to know how big a file is before transferring it.
> Secondly, once we have started a transfer, the rest of the network will
> move it even if we disconnect as soon as we see how big it is. So there
> is an excellent argument for incorporating an enforced file size byte
> (byte because it would be the log2 of the actual size, rounded up). And
> it would mean breaking CHK compatibility. If we are going to do that
> before 1.0, now would be a good time to do it. So, comments?

Well, I am not sure I find this quite as titillating as you do - since
there are other ways to determine the size of data before fetching it
(such as by looking at its filename, or how it is linked in HTML), it
just doesn't seem like something that should be implemented at such a
low level.  Having said that, if we do it then it should be done in a
backwards compatable way.


Ian Clarke                                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Coordinator, The Freenet Project              http://freenetproject.org/
Founder, Locutus                                        http://locut.us/
Personal Homepage                                   http://locut.us/ian/

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