After 2 hours running 6508 (freenet-exp-20030722.tgz) here's what the routing stats look like:

Number of node references  49
Contacted node references  41
Total Reference Keys  345
Node references requesting ARKs  1
Route Trials  27488
Route Successes  3368
Cached Trials  14302
Cached Successes  3568
Message Trials  15281
Message Successes  113
Successfull Messages etime  4647463.5
Unsuccessfull Messages rtime  NaN
Successfull Messages rtime  48802.258
Successfull Messages HTL  13.345
Route Failures  5286
TimedOut  4406
TransferFailed  6

This is a node serving about 16k queries per hour, 500 open connections, 106 sending messages. Bytes waiting to be sent averages about 4Mib (compared to usual figures of 13Mib under build 5015.) Processor utilisation is about 95% compared to the stable build's 70%.
Current advertise probability: 0.02
Current proportion of requests being accepted: 0.18
Estimated load pretty much sits at 100% all the time.
Config is standard except for outputBandwidthLimit=16000. The Bytes-sent graph is a lot choppier under 6508m averaging only 8500B/s compared to the nice flat line at 12000B/s which the stable build was achieving, so I suspect the processor is my limiting factor.
Platform: Win2000 Pro, Java 1.4.1_01-b01

Browsing freesites isn't working well with this build - I can't seem to get very many yet, even though I kept the datastore.

Any other info you'd like, let me know.

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