On July 22, 2003 12:09 am, Tom Kaitchuck wrote:
> On Monday 21 July 2003 10:24 pm, pineapple wrote:
> > Ack!  What's happening?  My poor, pathetic little node
> > is running on default config yet my local load is
> > +40K, +280 connections transmitting to!  I'm guessing
> > that each connection is getting ~80 byts/sec.  Even
> > with NIO, my node is still at over 100% load (although
> > it occassionally drop to the mid 90's).  How is this
> > an improvement from before?  Why isn't load balancing
> > working?  I duuno how much more she can take captain!
> > She's goona blooooooow!
> Bah! you call that overload! Back in the day (two days ago), I saw +200K
> qph. Well, welcome to the club, anyway. This is a very real problem, as I
> can't seem to get rid of it. and BTW by average connection reset is .01! My
> current theory is that if a node is relyably answering connections of all
> sorts, it is gets more and more requests, no matter how slowly it transfers
> the data back. Although it might be fixed with NGrouting, I wish people
> would look at overloading seriously.

Tom, If its not fixed with NG then NG is not working 100%.  Remember the 
NG in experimental is a work in progress and _will_ get better.

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