Tom Kaitchuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Monday 21 July 2003 11:26 am, Frank v Waveren wrote:
> > On Sun, Jul 20, 2003 at 09:42:41PM -0500, Tom Kaitchuck wrote:
> > > Huh? re-retrieval? Even if we are not the originator of a request and one
> > > node returns Data not found, we try another, correct? Well if it finds
> > > the data, then the data obviously exists.
> >
> > No, DNF means 'game over, please try again'. Having every node along
> > the way branch out would put a lot more stress on the network and make
> > requests take a lot longer to complete.
> Really? So data requests only travel on one liner path? Any node failour is 
> the end? In that case 
> contains very wrong information. Including all of page 5 (diagram included).

The "backing out of dead ends" illustrated in that picture is not DNF.
The network will back out on RNFs (Route Not Found); when a node
doesn't have anywhere to send a request to.  But as long as there's
somewhere to forward the request, it'll travel in a linear path.  Node
failure is not indicated by DNF, a request running out of HTL without
finding data makes a DNF.

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