On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 07:26:12AM -0400, Ed Tomlinson wrote:
> On July 21, 2003 04:22 pm, Ian Clarke wrote:
> > On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 08:50:33PM +0100, Toad wrote:
> > > Umm, no. Random first hop was introduced to avoid the network forking...
> > > anyway, how would this improve getting DBRs?
> >
> > Ah yes, I was trying to remember why that was introduced.  Of course,
> > the whole "network forking" danger was purely theoretical, and I never
> > really thought that it was likely to happen in a real-world network.  It
> > has certainly never been observed in practice or in simulation.
> When playing with the CP code before I started with NG I tried disabling this.
> The node ended up ignoring most of the nodes.   Think this is needed until
> the node _really_ know the network; otherwise it will tend to ignore many 
> nodes.  IMHO it also help hide the id of the sender since the same key will
> not always go to the same node...
> I have used freenet/support/sort/QuickSelector.java to give the same sort
> of functionality in NG.  Just how random that first node is can easily be 
> controlled in this class.

I don't get it. Why can't you just route to a random key? That should
take into account all routing data effectively.

Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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