On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 08:30:16PM -0400, Andrew Rodland wrote:
> Please don't let's forget that random first hop is the only thing that 
> makes retrying of any use after we reach HTL=25 and want to keep trying, 
> because of ftable. And I think that people will agree with me, that as 
> it stands it frequently _does_ pay off to try HTL=25 HTL=26 HTL=27 until 
> you get something, because the increasing HTLs will bypass ftable on 
> your node, and random first hop will send it off in a direction that 
> might not have an ftable entry (or at least, at a lower HTL). It 
> frequently manages to get a document even after we've failed out at 25.

That may be true, although one would hope that with NG, routing will be 
so much smarter that 99% of the time, a DNF will indicate that the data 
really isn't in the network </optimism>


Ian Clarke                                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Coordinator, The Freenet Project              http://freenetproject.org/
Founder, Locutus                                        http://locut.us/
Personal Homepage                                   http://locut.us/ian/

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