On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 03:35:49PM +0100, Gordan wrote:
> On Monday 04 Aug 2003 15:03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On Mon, 04 Aug 2003 06:05:45 -0700 Gordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >Are there any objections to the above spec, other than objections
> > >to using any non-manual compression?
> >
> > I've been following this thread with increasing disgust so that the time
> > has come to express my thoughts on this issue. ;)
> An unbiased view, then. :-)
> > I think there are to many forward, backward and inter-node compatibility
> > issues with general single file compression. And I doubt it will be
> > generally useful.
> I do recognize the fact that there would be inter-operability issues for some 
> time. I do not, however, recognize that these issues would linger on for very 
> long. Upgrading is easy, and the development cycle is currently short enough 
> that all the old nodes would probably be replaced within a matter of weeks.
> > So, compression would be beneficial in only two cases:
> >  A) compress compressible data, mostly text/plain and text/html
> >  B) compress compressed data slightly to fit in a smaller log2size key
> I don't really consider those to be a separate case. If the compression 
> doesn't yield a size reduction required to go to a smaller key size, then we 
> throw away the file we were trying to compress and just insert it 
> uncompressed. Compressing data that is already compressed shouldn't really be 
> an option.
> > I only now of three applications, which would benefit from case A:
> >  1. Frost uses plain text messages and control-messages. So Frost should
> > improve its protocol and compress the messages on its own! Because of
> > the restricted domain the compression algorithm could be highly optimized.
> >  2. Freenet Message Board (FMB) uses plain text messages and control-
> > messages. So FMB should improve its protocol and ... see point 1.
> Ideally there should be a layer between the node and the client that provides 
> a uniform access to insertion and retrieval of files. It would be this layer 
> that should, IMHO, do the compression... That way a lot of compatibility 
> issues are removed, and the node would be left to deal with files and 
> routing, without having to worry about the content or file types.
> In the meantime, fproxy provides an interface for inserting and retrieving 
> files using http, and most functions can be performed this way, using 
> existing tools and libraries. This is why it was suggested that this should 
> be implemented in fproxy.
> >  3. Freesites use plain text html files. I'm not much into this but in
> > the good ol' web my browser sends an "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate"
> > to the server and I know of at least one server sending me gzipped HTMLs.
> > Can this be extended to Freenet? E.g. by including in the content's
> > metadata a "Info.Encoding=gzip" line?
> I thought about this. The only difference there is whether you are going to 
> leave the decompression to the end-client or the proxy. For uniformity, it 
> should probably be the proxy. Additionally, seen as those of us supporting 
> the idea of compression have kind of almost agreed on zip format, this would 
> not work because zip compression is not compatible with gzip.
> > Case B (compress compressed data slightly) should happen very rarely.
> > It could be that an uncompressed 520KiB PDF occupying an 1 MiB key could
> > fit --when compressed-- into a 512 KiB key. But I think it's up to the
> > kindness of the content provider to compress the data where it's gonna
> > be useful.
> I don't believe in compressing compressed files, and I don't think this should 
> be left entirely to the content provider.
> > To summarize:
> >  - I see no need for an automatic compression done by Fproxy. And neither
> > by the node! ... good grief!
> I agree that the node is the wrong place to apply this. Node should handle the 
> routing and the keys. Whether the file is compressed or not should be 
> irrelevant at that logical level. Compression should be performed on a higher 
> level, e.g. fproxy.
> >  - Frost and FMB should compress their messages
> It depends on how big/compressible their messages are. I am not too sure that 
> most messages would give worth-while compression, because they are so small 
> (typically in the 4KB-8KB range, IIRC).

Actually, text of such size is fairly compressible, try it. However, the
minimum key size is only 1kB.
> >  - Freesites could be gzipped, if this is a web standard and if it can
> > be done without reinventing the wheel.
> This would actually be a worse solution because fproxy would still have to 
> understand how to decompress data - not all browsers support all 
> decompression algorithms. It would create more exception handling, which is 
> not desirable. Additionally, it would mean including the gzip library into 
> the freenet distribution, when zip is already built in.

Java includes gzip. ZIP/JAR uses the same algorithm. Tar or bzip2 would
be a more serious problem.
> Gordan

Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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