----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gordan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of development issues"
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 2:55 AM
Subject: Re: [freenet-dev] Distributed RBL

> On Thursday 25 September 2003 04:27, pineapple
> > I don't think blacklists, even
> > on freenet is the right answer.
> Agreed.
> > The solution to spam
> > is to move from the current push techonology to
> > technology.
> I disagree. Hugely inefficient. Polling is not the
way forward, when it can be 
> avoided.

Really?  Seems to work just fine for the World Wide
Web.  What's really inefficient is all this SPAM
flooding mail networks.  To help out, mail servers
will still play a role by aggregating their users'
whitelisted domains to be polled.  Honestly I think
that polling is probably the only workable solution
even though it's inefficient.  The alternative is
identifying the originator of any email and punishing
those who abuse it, a solution I find totally
unacceptable.  I have the feeling the list manager is
probably frowning on this off-topic thread.  Maybe we
could move it to chat?

> > To build whitelists,
> Yes, white lists are a step in the right direction.
A huge reduction in spam 
> would come about from simply listing
correct/acceptable email addresses for 
> you. 99% of spam comes with forged from and to
headers. If the To: header 
> doesn't contain one of your vaild email addresses,
OR a valid email address 
> of one of the mailing lists you are willingly
subscribed to, mark it as spam 
> and just bounce it there and then.
> Gordan
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> Devl mailing list

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