BTW, I agree that the dialog boxes are evil and should be replaced by check boxes.

The more I think about it the more it makes sense to silently install Java
to wherever the user asks to put Freenet.  That is, if we're going to
silently install Java anywhere.  I wasn't aware there was a 'standard
place' to put Java.  Last time I tried installing Java (the SDK as it
happens), the installer asked me where I wanted to put it.  As it turned
out it got it wrong, but that's my choice, not the installer's choice.  It
suggested J:\Program Files, but I use that for OS-tied applications.  It
should have been F:\Devel, but of course the installer had no way of
knowing this without asking me first.

And this is exactly the reason why I think there should be nothing like a 'silent' install *as long as it is the only option*. There are things, the installer simply cannot know about, like your drive structure. I e.g. have space constraints on C: but have a load of space left on D:. The installer will eventually get it wrong for many people (while I agree that most of them should not be bothered with these questions if they don't need to).
All I'm saying is, have a checkbox saying 'enable expert options' (which starts the interactive Java installer etc)which gives me the *option* to install it the hard way. If I don't explicitly select the 'expert options' go the silent way.


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