On Thu, 11/13/03 at 23:46:29 -0600, Brandon Low wrote:
> Other things to note about the IBM JDK:  As the JIT compiler does it's
> work, debugging symbols are stripped from the code, this means that call
> traces after long uptimes will no longer contain line numbers of
> references.  This means that the IBM JDK should only be used on 'stable'
> nodes, not those from which bug reports will regularly be submitted.
> Also, there seems to be a noticible performance 'glitch' when the IBM
> JDK does it's garbage collection routine (for me, this consists of 2
> seconds out of every 10 pegging the CPU and reducing BW usage to nil).
> Despite this, my extremely loaded node is performing very well, and
> serviced 45k requests (out of 76k) during it's first full hour on IBM +

More about the IBM JDK's performance: Early on when it is JIT compiling
stuff a lot, it uses a bunch more memory than Sun, you'll probably need
to set -Xmx512M in order to deal with this (mine used up to 430M during
the first hour of operation), it will then settle down to about the same
area where Sun's JDK settls to.  Also, it looks to be more like 2 in
every 15-20 seconds are 'wasted' doing GC, I'm wondering if the IBM JDK
actually listens to GC hints from running code and the Sun doesn't, and
we are actually telling it to run the GC at those times...

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