Martin Stone Davis wrote:
Okay, so the attacker could censor the current edition. But he wouldn't be able to censor all of them, since they are distributed throughout the keyspace. The reader could then just click to retrieve one of the previous day's (or week's) editions. The fred interface might be designed to make this even easier, if that becomes a problem.

Well! If there really is not a problem, with making the specialization of nodes public, then we should make use of that fact in our routing algorithm.

But I somehow don't like the idea, that the author has to the determine,
if his freesite is under attack (He may just blame the insertion client or
freenet and give up). But I can think of a way to fix unobtanium routing,
so that specialization probing is prohibited. Unfortunately the modifications
would introduce quite some overhead. I'll write about it in my next mail.

 Thomas Leske

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