Oskar Sandberg wrote:
> On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 11:22:00AM -0400, Derek Glidden wrote:
> <>
> > Most firewalls nowadays, or at least the ones being managed by competent
> > admins, take a "Deny by default" approach.  In other words, not only on
> > inbound but also on outbound connections, *all* connections are denied
> > unless explicitly approved.
> What possible reason is there to do that short of fucking with your users?
> I mean, it isn't even going to help against troyans, since any troyan
> worth a damn that gets in will call out using port 80 these days (if not
> otherwise then not to be spotted).

It's called "security."  I would venture to say that most
companies/corporations over a couple of dozen people, and even smaller
ones with competent security administrators operate this way.  Smaller

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