On Tue, Aug 20, 2002 at 06:55:00PM -0400, SiliconZealot wrote:
> Maybe after the jar's can be updated from a secure SSK...

This raises an important question of who controls the private-key to the 
SSK, given that this person would suddenly find themselves becomming 
exactly the kind of central point of failure that we want to avoid 
(making them subject to bribes, threats, etc to do nasty things to 
Freenet).  People should always have the ability to make an informed 
decision as to whether they wish to upgrade to a new version of Freenet 
as there is always the possibility that it has been compromized by one 
of the above (Hilary Rosen could be standing beside me with a gun to my 
head as I write this ;).

> While we are at it, lets not have fproxy warn us to upgrade until more than
> just one or two of the nodes in our routing table have a higher build.

As I said when this was first implemented, we can do this, but I didn't 
feel the need to do it until someone started to be a pain in the ass.


Ian Clarke                                        ian at freenetproject.org
Founder & Coordinator, The Freenet Project    http://freenetproject.org/
Chief Technology Officer, Uprizer Inc.           http://www.uprizer.com/
Personal Homepage                                       http://locut.us/
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