On Tue, Nov 09, 2010 at 03:23:35PM +0100, Martin Braun wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 09, 2010 at 05:33:15PM +0800, intermilan wrote:
> > hi all:
> >      I am writing a new simple signal processing block following the 
> > tutorial
> > under the directory /gnuradio-3.2.2/gr-howto-write-a-block-3.2.2(there is no
> > gr-howto-write-a-block-3.2.2 at the beginning,and this one is I downloaded 
> > and
> > copied to this directory)and named 'howto_add_ff' block. I've created
> > howto_add_ff.h and howto_add_ff.cc file under /gnuradio-3.2.2/
> > gr-howto-write-a-block-3.2.2/src/lib.Then I modified howto.i and 
> > Makefile.am in
> > the same directory.
> >    After that  I run the following command under the directory 
> > /gnuradio-3.2.2/
> > gr-howto-write-a-block-3.2.2:
> >    ./bootstrap
> >    ./configure 
> >    make
> >   Then I got a error  said "thers is no rules for "all-am" to creat the
> > required target "howto_add_ff.h".STOP."( I translate the error into english
> > beacause I do no use engliah as the language of my Ununtu).
> >    Can anyone tell me how to fix it?
> You've probably not adapted the Makefiles properly.
> Have a look where howto_square_ff.* is referenced (it's a couple of
> places).
> I recommend using gr_modtool.py (you can get it from
> https://www.cgran.org/wiki/devtools), this automatically does all the
> edits for you.
> Cheers,
> MB

I'd also suggest starting with 3.3.0 (or git master) instead of 3.2.2, and use 
  $ create-gnuradio-out-of-tree-project <my-module-name>

command to get you started.


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