Hi all,

I want to simulate a voice transmission system in GNURadio Companion (GRC) 
before I build a real one. My system configuration is as follows.

mic --> encoder --> encryption --> modulator --> RF

speaker <-- decoder <-- decryption <-- demodulator <-- RF

I have succeed in simulating the above configuration in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 
machinebut without encryption/decryption blocks.

I want to encrypt my digital voice using AES (128/192/256, either one) 
algorithm, but so far, I couldn't find suitable blocks for my purpose.

I know that GNURadio will synthesize a python code when you compile your blocks 
configuration in GRC. On the other hand, every python dev installation in 
Ubuntu will also install PyCrypto lib in your machine, this library has a 
ready-to-use function of AES algorithm. Furthermore, I also know the concept of 
Out-of-Tree Module (OoTM) of GNURadio.

My questions are:

1. My first thought is to get data stream of certain block and do encryption 
process with PyCrypto (not in the OoTM, but directly in synthesized python 
code) then put them back to the next block. Would it be possible and how to 
achieve this?

2. Do GNURadio has a ready-to-use GRC blocks or OoTM of digital encryption 
algorithm (not scrambler)? and how do I get it (a tutorial would be fine)?
So far, I can not found the block either in GRC or https://www.cgran.org

3. Last question may be off topic a bit. Is it common to use AES algorithm to 
encrypt voice data, or is there any common encryption method (preferably could 
be implemented in GRC)?

Thank you for your time and willingness to answer these questions

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