* The "Run" panel's ("Tools"->"Run...") text field does not allow me to edit
it, which means I can't actually enter the applications I want run.

I fixed that (only for the English Gorms btw, if someone wants to help putting the other language up-to-date...)
The same problem affected also "open with".
However, looking a the code, the FIeld should be a "CompletionField" which doesn't seem to work for me or I didn't understand how it should work.

In SystemPreferences:
* The "Apply" button on the themes preferences doesn't actually work.  If I
hit apply, SystemPreferences' theme will change, however the default will
not be written, which means no other application actually gets the new
theme.  If I restart SystemPreferences I'll be presented with the old theme.
* This is just one thing I noticed, isn't GSX11HandlesWindowDecoration
depricated?  SystemPreferences still has it that way.

GIven that you also have problems with GWorkspace, something with your preferences seems strange.
The defaults name is inedeed deprecated, SystemPreferences has been updated.
In general:
* I set GSX11HandlesWindowDecoration to NO (have GNUstep draw the borders)
and moving windows are extremely slow.  I'm on a 500MHz PC, so it's really
noticable.  If I let WindowMaker decorate the window moving it around is
really smooth, but when GNUstep is decorating them it's painfully slow.  If
I move the mouse fast enough (to one end or another of the screen) the
window lags behind.  I'll make a note here that I remember this also being
an issue when I was on a 2.5GHz PC, just not as noticable there.

I can't reproduce that on the machine where I am now, but I do have lots of strange/older computers and see what I can get out.


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