
I have to admit to being very happy that many people have changed their
minds about GNUstep, but this subject... HelloSystem actually has me pretty

On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 10:23 AM Graham Lee <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> * From: * Riccardo Mottola <>
> * To: * Liam Proven <>, discuss-gnustep <
> * Sent: * 14/12/2021 3:29 PM
> * Subject: * Re: GNUstep on Hackernews
> They evaluated us and discarded GNUstep on what basis? I had no
> interaction with any of them nor did i see things on the mailing list.
> The hello system thing was preceded by Livestep, which was fully GNUstep
> based and which Steven and I almost used as the basis for the [objc
> retain]; stream before switching to Debian. The design rationale for hello
> describes Qt as a pragmatic choice for UI toolkit while GNUstep "doesn't
> really leap forward into the present time"
> .

Just like every other project they seem to dismiss us without actually
speaking to any of us.   I have posted a question asking why none of us
were consulted and requested that they remove the remark from their wiki.
 I am appalled that they didn't even bother.  What does "leap into the
present time" even mean.

> That's one of those frustrating ideas that is probably part perception and
> part reality (probono did after all make a full GNUstep live image and
> worked on PureDarwin so has reached this conclusion from a position of some
> experience) but that doesn't have enough information to resolve. _What_
> does a "present time" Cocoa reimplementation have, or look like, that
> GNUstep lacks?

Indeed.  I remember LiveStep

It seems to look okay, so what was the problem?!

> Does GNUstep actually lack that? We could ask him…I doubt to change his
> mind back to adopting GNUstep, but to see where what we have and what
> others want can come together.

> Cheers,
> Graham.

Gregory Casamento
GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant - - Become a Patron - My GNUstep GoFundMe - Store

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