
I posted my problem on the list after I got the following reply from OpenSRS
support ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

Unfortunatelly, we have no control over NSI's policy. Normally domains can
transferred from Registrar to Reseller at any time before the expiry date
having to pay for a renew. I cannot answer on behalf of NSI, but it sounds
the problem relies on their side.

As you can see that wasn't very helpful.
I got a much more helpful reply from Ross after posting to the list asking
for more information so he could follow up on it, but I would recommend that
OpenSRS better route these types of situations rather than giving the above
response. I have also forwarded the problem to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as stated by Charles and Erol.

Nitin Agarwal

----- Original Message -----
To: "Nitin Agarwal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: Transfer from Netsol


If the domain has not actually expired and is currently active in the root
zones, I would suggest immediately sending an e-mail to OpenSRS about
this.  They will report the problem to ICANN.

NSI's customer service staff have been telling people for years that a
domain is in unpaid status as soon as the invoice has been generated,
however that has (had) never been the case in reality.  If they have
changed to actually do what that person told you, they are in violation of
ICANN agreements.

>     Well I got the idea that they didn't know what they were talking about
> when I talked to them on the phone, but when I actually put the transfer
> request in about 18 days before it was set to expire, my customer received
> the following message:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Because the domain name, XXXXX.COM, did not meet the criteria to change
> registrars, Network Solutions/Verisign has instructed the Registry not to
> change the registrar.
> Specifically, the domain name didn't meet the criteria because:
> It is not in a paid status at Network Solutions/Verisign.
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Now this is what throws me off... Any ideas what to do? The domain also
> still shows up as Pending Registry Approval.
> Thanks,
> Nitin Agarwal
> ----- Original Message -----
> To: "Nitin Agarwal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 2:34 PM
> Subject: Re: Transfer from Netsol
> Welcome to the world of clueless NSI employees.  If you telephone them and
> ask the question, they will always give the answer you received.  However,
> in real life, what they say is not true.  In reality, unpaid status in
> determining registrar transfer ability occurs on the actual domain
> expiration date.  HOWEVER, this is no excuse to wait until the day before
> expiration, you should always submit your registrar transfer request as
> soon as possible to avoid the stall tactics that NSI is beginning to
> deploy.  You will not lose any registration time by transferring a domain
> away from NSI but you will usually gain security advantages so
> transferring sooner rather than later makes perfect sense.
> On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Nitin Agarwal wrote:
> > Hello Everyone,
> >
> >     I just got off the phone with Network Solutions about the transfer
> a
> > domain name, and they said that they consider domain names in unpaid
> status
> > when the invoice is sent (Which is usually 30 or 60 days before the
> > is going to expire). So even though the domain name is not set to expire
> > until June 22, they said I have to pay for at least one year and then
> > transfer it to another registrar. Isn't this against ICANN regulations?
> > thought that you could transfer the domain name until the anniversary
> date?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Nitin Agarwal
> >
> >
> >
> >

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