has anyone got a handle on how more slowly a website runs with 
javascript as opposed to say php?  Does the ecommerce stuff link with a 

Ben Kennedy wrote:

>On 10 6 2004 at 3:34 pm -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>In the HORIZON environment Resellers can provision
>>accounts and conduct upgrades but not create sample websites.
>>If you would like to review the features of the website
>>builder engine itself, you can view our demo site
>>at http://www.pagebuilder.ca.
>This is interesting... didn't know this was coming down the pipeline. 
>I'm looking forward to seeing what it can do.
>Taking a quick look at the demo web sites, though... what's with all the
><html><head><META content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-
><title>Happy the Clown for Hire!</title>
><meta name="description" content="Description1">
><meta name="keywords" content="key1"></head>
>document.write('<script src="js/subnavig.js"></');
>document.write('<script src="js/gen_subnavig.js"></');
>document.write('<script src="js/title.js"></');
>document.write('<script src="js/ba.js"></');
>document.write('<script src="js/email.js"></');
>document.write('<script src="js/homefun.js"></');
>document.write('<script src="js/flashfun.js"></');
>document.write('<script src="js/navig.js"></');
>[........ goes on and on ............]
>Needless to say, with JS turned off, only half of the content loads.  I
>cannot understand why this has to be done in such a convoluted manner
>(may as well return plain text with instructions to the user on how to
>manually type up the required HTML then view it in his browser).

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