
Just got the news from my Tucows rep that they now offer this product
to resellers.

We have been using the exact same product for several months.
Tucows licensed the product from
SiteGalore(<http://www.sitegalore.com>http://www.sitegalore.com). We have 
been using the lower
cost, outsourced SiteGalorePlus.

I was glad to see the monthly prices dropped by about 50% by going
direct with Tucows. Also there is no $475 setup fee or minimum monthly
fee of $90!

But the big plus is the ability to export the site to regular HTML.
The developers purposely made the site output in Javascript to prevent
moving to another host. I've been reading the past week's post and
it's not Tucow's fault for having this ugly Javascript code. It was
there from the beginning.

My only other concern that I hope Tucows will address is the maximum
number of pages for each package. I have several customers under the
Ecommerce package and they have many products. The 70 page limit will
not be enough. We emailed the developers about this and have yet to
receive a reply.

Overall, it's a good upsell product in addition to hosting services.

Plus Tucows will hopefully be more responsive to changes such as some 
suggestions to
improve the Rich Text Editor mentioned before.


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