Hi all.  With a lot of developers writing javascript these days, it's easy
to write something that collides with someone else's code.  I like Dojo's
and YUI's approach to namespaced code.  So, I decided to create a plugin for
jQuery that allows you to create namespaced objects... it's actually a
transposed version of YUI's namespace function:

jQuery.namespace = function(ns) {
   if (!ns || !ns.length) { return null }
   var levels = ns.split(".");
   if (eval('typeof '+levels[0]+'=="undefined"')) {
   var nsobj = eval(levels[0]);
   for (var i=1; i<levels.length; i++) {
       nsobj[levels[i]] = nsobj[levels[i]] || {};
       nsobj = nsobj[levels[i]];
   return nsobj;

Feed it a namespace:


Then start using your new namespaced object:

org.jquery.utils.HelloWorld = function() {alert('hi')}

This would actually be a nice feature to add to the base jQuery library...
any thoughts on that?

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