My two cents is:

1. Business goals
2. User's context - UCD "stuff"
3. Those two drive the design
4. The design should drive the technology

A. There will always be the normal circumstances of doing business -
resources, time, etc and the trade-offs that result.

But generally, technology and development effort should not drive
design. I encounter this situation all the time and I'm sure most
others do as well. It comes down to relationship building and selling
the value of the designs we create and the rationale behind the
various decisions that are always made.


On Nov 12, 2007 4:26 PM, Grady Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What are the opinions here about what comes first, the Design or the
> Technology?
> I am currently designing a web application from an existing windows
> application.  No decision had been made at the time as far as the technology
> to be used, only that it would be a web application.  So I designed like I
> normally do, I composite/mock up designs in Fireworks, and then build the
> high fidelity prototypes with xhtml/css/javascript.  We have been showing
> our prototypes to users and have received a lot of great feedback and
> approval.
> Development has now decided to use Adobe Flex for the front end.  Their
> reasoning was biased towards developers, easier to code, MVC, strictly
> typed, etc.  My favorite was "The DOM breaks all the time, and we can't work
> with it."
> The developers tried to create my design in Flex.  It was close in concepts,
> but not near close to what I initially produced.  My initial thought was,
> maybe I should design in Flex, and make the Flex UI look like what I have
> designed.  But I am thinking more that users and the design should drive the
> application and not development and what makes things easier for them.
> Development is still making decisions about the application with comments
> like, "it makes it easier for us to code" instead of "if we take a few more
> days, we can use JSON and improve performance by 25%."
> So what should come first?  The design or the technology?  Should one
> conform to the other?  Should the design break for development?  Has anyone
> else had this experience?  Should the user come first? or the developer?  Or
> am I just out of my mind? ;o)
> Thanks in advance!
> Grady Kelly
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