On Nov 13, 2007, at 8:23 AM, Matthew Nish-Lapidus wrote:

> I also think this sounds a little strange... shouldn't we design for
> our specific medium?  The medium dictates how the user/viewer will
> interact with the product, and thus effect the design.  I don't see
> any way around that....

I've been working on a new blog post regarding this subject, and I  
gave the first iteration of a talk about this very topic in Utrecht,  
Holland a few weeks ago at a CHI Nederland event. The PDF of that  
talk can be found at:


I'm hoping the new blog post and my thoughts that better explain this  
presentation go live in the next two weeks or so. Since giving the  
talk in Holland, I've figured out some better means of communicating  
the larger point that I need to rework in. I'm also going to be  
giving this talk at Yahoo! in the next couple of weeks and should  
have a lot more of the pieces in place.

The short summary for me is that the core design definitions come  
first, technology agnostic. Then once these core pieces are defined  
for any particular product, you then work towards the specific medium  
dealing with its specific technology constraints. The example I use  
to describe this is to think of the graphic designer working on a  
business system. They define the color, logo, type, and other core  
brand elements first, then figure out how to express that brand on  
envelopes, letterhead, signage, packaging, etc.

More on it in the near future though.

Andrei Herasimchuk

Principal, Involution Studios
innovating the digital world

c. +1 408 306 6422

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