When I first encountered personas and worked with them I realized that personas 
are really a problem solving tool.  To solve a problem you need to understand 
the reality within which you want to apply a solution.  Personas are just a way 
(a very good one) of capturing the knowledge of the people impacted by a 
solution.  By the same token, if we want to capture the reality of the computer 
system we are designing around, somebody could design a tool to capture the 
capabilities and the constraints of the system.  If we want to capture the 
reality of the business that will sell the solution, we could design a tool to 
capture the profile of the business (some ex-cooper employees have already done 

To reiterate, personas are a profiling tool to better understand people.  To 
me, profiling tools are always useful to create a good solution.  Regardless 
what they are profiling.  Depending on time, not everybody creates personas on 
paper but I think we all have some sense (good or bad, conscious or 
inconscious) of who we are designing for.

Bonne Journée!

Pierre Roberge 
User Experience Designer - Business Analyst


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