Hi Mark,

I don`t know K. Holtzblatt's Rapid Contextual Design but I have
successfully used personas I created after doing contextual interviews
to improve travel insurance sales process.  Knowing the goals of users
whether they are using a system or a process is very useful and help
give insights into how to do improve things dramatically.

You`re right Business analysts usually improve processes but they tend
to do it from a fixing the problems point of view instead of from a what
would be best point of view.  Also since they don`t do contextual
inquiries, they rarely have as good of an understanding of the users as
UCD people can have, which leads to weaker solutions.  Knowledge is

Hope this helps!

Pierre Roberge
User Experience Designer - Business Analyst

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Pawson, Mark
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 2:03 PM
To: discuss@lists.interactiondesigners.com
Subject: [IxDA Discuss] Can Contextual Design be used to define a

Well its November and time to reorg the corporation again:) We are
looking at ways to integrate UCD with Business Development. Specifically
we are looking at using methods such as K. Holtzblatt's Rapid Contextual
Design to develop a  new process, rather than a product, that creates a
positive user experience for customers transitioning from a legacy
application to a new generation product. We are thinking of doing
contextual inquiry to understand the decision process customers go
through so we can identify what makes them decide to transistion, what
are the pain points etc. I can almost envision this being an exciting
project but then I hit a lot of grey area. Has anyone ever applied these
techniques in such a fashion? Is this UCD or a Business Analyst role?
Any articles or reference books on this? Any advice greatly appreciated.

Mark Pawson
*Come to IxDA Interaction08 | Savannah*
February 8-10, 2008 in Savannah, GA, USA Register today:

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