Cindy said: "We recommended the continuous/infinit search similar to
Microsoft's live search to our product team."

Why? What advantage does this offer over raw and semantically correct
XHTML or XML, which loads quickly, can natively incorporate tabular
data and everything else you need, is fully searchable from the
start, easier to maintain ... ?

Seriously, why add complexity when it flies in the face of user
expectations and wishes? Why wait for a study or an "expert" to
tell you what you've already been told?

Granted, my perspective is skewed a bit by designing mostly for the
Web and being held to strict standards of accessibility. But again
and again, here's what users tell me: "Deliver the goods, and
don't be too cute about it." That's especially true for financial
data and any other information they consider critical to their daily
decision-making. Nielsen and others have confirmed this time and
again with careful research.

In general (and there may be some really good exceptions, especially
in a closed system, but I'm not recalling any right now), I'll say
"yes" to server-side scripts because when they're well implemented
they can deliver the goods faster or more elegantly -- "includes"
can actually _reduce_ the code burden -- and I say "maybe" to
client-side scripts because they can impede or completely block some
or all users.

Not everyone agrees with me, but I'm for standards-based progressive
enhancement. It's straightforward and logical, and that usually
serves everyone better if the data is also straightforward and
logical. It's not that I'm a Luddite; I just don't want to use a
cannon when a water pistol will do the job.

The immediate impression is not the lasting impression, and the
"wow" factor can wear thin very quickly.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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