I think there is actually a gentle path from Technical Writer » Information
Architect » IxD because I see it as a journey from structured content to
structuring content (organization, flow), to flow and behavior (creating the
dialogue between people and system, people and people, people and
environment). I agree that you don't need a fancy degree - but taking a few
HCI and interaction design classes would certainly help in the "Why" and
"How" but if you do it on your own - start with the What. Decide on
something you want to design for yourself, a blog, personal site, whatever -
spend alot of time on well designed sites (web might be the easiest medium
to start with), and COPY. That's right - just find some well designed sites
- like Boxes and Arrows - and plagiarize (for yourself - don't actually post
someone else's design as your own) - the more you design like that - it will
be like muscle memory - and eventually you will be creating your own things.

On Feb 11, 2008 11:55 AM, Robert Hoekman, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I am a technical writer, and I want to be an interaction designer. How
> do
> > I
> > get there from here?
> At my last in-house position, the Documentation team and the UX team
> shared
> a suite. And there was one guy who would have made an excellent IxD.
> Making
> him part of my team would have been as simple as moving his desk to the
> other side of the room.
> Of course, if you do it on a consulting basis, it's a simple matter of
> putting "interaction designer" on your business card. ;)
> But seriously. It's all about the portfolio. Prove you know what you're
> talking about, and it doesn't matter where you went to school (or if you
> went to school at all, for that matter).
> -r-
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~ will

"No matter how beautiful,
no matter how cool your interface,
it would be better if there were less of it."
Alan Cooper
"Where you innovate, how you innovate,
and what you innovate are design problems"
will evans
user experience architect
*Come to IxDA Interaction08 | Savannah*
February 8-10, 2008 in Savannah, GA, USA
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