1989 - 1992: The Electronic Sales Assistant (ESA) provided a complete suite of sales presentation creation tools, newspaper industry information, and an easy-to-use interface to the Newspaper Association of America's electronic bulletin board-based membership marketing support service. Probably not that impressive today, but fairly cutting-edge for its time. Kind of a fusion homebrew dedicated browser + PowerPoint + automated update + customization tool. All done on Supercard. http://www.jcvtcs.com/-experience/naa_esa.html
Goals of the Electronic Sales Assistant:

a.. Enable the local newspaper Sales Department to produce high-quality, customized sales presentations quickly, particularly for small-to-medium-sized ad prospects. b.. Provide newspaper sales personnel with instant access to the marketing expertise of the Newspaper Association of America and to other newspaper sales colleagues around the nation. c.. Get the newspaper Advertising Sales Department up to speed on the computer "fast track" with a minimum of effort.

The Sales Presentation Maker

You can construct customized sales presentations by selecting pages of sales arguments from our "camera ready" library of pre-formatted, proven NAA marketing material. You can also customize page design, edit text content create charts and merge in graphic clip art.

This is your constantly-growing library of sales presentations; both those you've created and the 10 popular, field-tested, targeted sales Ready-to-Go presentations that come with the ESA software. Your sales staff can select a presentation from the Ready-To-Go library, customize it with your own local data and print it at the push of a button. The Information Manager

The Information Center
Here's where you find a directory of the marketing resources available through the NAA: Retail Marketing Bulletins and Classified Bulletins, an exhaustive database of Retail Profiles, a catalog of Research Resources (workshops, brochures, tapes, etc.) that you can order electronically, and a current Calendar of NAA marketing activities.

NAA Directory
The section tells you how to best take advantage of your membership in the Newspaper Association of America. This is a complete directory of "who's who" at the NAA: names, titles, phone numbers and departmental responsibilities.

Electronic Mail
The "e-mail" feature allows ESA subscribers to communicate with one another, as well as with the NAA directly. We keep you posted on the newest developments in newspaper marketing. Eventually, the e-mail system will allow ESA subscribers to exchange actual sales presentations electronically.

ESA Tools
AutoPresenter (an electronic slideshow), lnfoSpex (custom client information profile) and Management Reporter (library of presentations) let you customize your ESA experience for efficiency and effectiveness.

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