Has Apple found the magic Touch?
        Posted by 
        Tom Krazit



        Apple is betting that the iPhone's breakthrough in the way we interact 
with mobile phones will transfer over to notebooks.

The new MacBook Pros and MacBooks introduced Tuesday aren't all that much 
different from the ones that were on sale yesterday. Sure, they've got Intel's 
new Penryn chips, and more potent configurations, but for the most part, it's 
the same laptop. That is, with one notable exception.

Apple brought the gesture-recognition technology first introduced on the 
MacBook Air
over to the new MacBook Pro systems, which will likely ship in much
larger volumes than the MacBook Air and introduce many more of Apple's
customers to the idea of trackpad gesture recognition. The technology
allows you to zoom in and out of pictures, for example, by using the
same pinch-and-expand gesture used on the iPhone.
Apple's new MacBook Pro notebooks will bring the multitouch technology from the 
MacBook Air to a wider variety of people.
(Credit: Apple)

The question now is whether this is something that will boost Mac sales, which 
have been doing pretty well
on their own up to this point. It's hard to assess the impact of the
multitouch technology in the early days of the MacBook Air, which has
only been out a little over a month and appeals to only a subset of the
notebook-buying population.

It's clear, however, that the iPhone's multitouch user interface is
perhaps its greatest asset. And Synaptics, which makes TouchPads used
in a wide variety of notebooks PCs, expects several PC vendors to introduce 
similar technology later this year on their own notebooks.

At CES, Synaptics introduced a new TouchPad that incorporates the same
style of pinching and zooming as well as a technology it calls
"Momentum," which allows you to flick your finger toward the edge of
the trackpad and watch the cursor continue to scroll in that direction,
even after you lift your finger from the pad.

Microsoft is likewise hard at work investigating the potential for multitouch 
interfaces in computers. Its Surface project
isn't exactly a mainstream idea yet, but it's a step toward a future
where computers are designed around how people like to work with
technology, rather than forcing us to adapt to the computer.

Wired brought up an interesting point
last week, however, as it looked into Apple's chances of patenting this
technology. Apple secretly acquired Fingerworks, a company started by two 
professors at the University of Delaware, in 2005 in order to get its hands on 
the MultiTouch fingertip recognition technology.

If Apple is successful with its patent efforts, and other PC and
smartphone companies develop their own gesture-recognition technology
in response, we could see a world where pinching on a MacBook might
zoom, but the same gesture might close a window on a ThinkPad, or open
a file on a mobile phone.

Would that be a step backward for the industry? Maybe, although people
are able to deal with the fact that Macs use different keystrokes than
PCs for certain tasks, or that some cars use a console gearshift while
others have a floor-mounted shifter.

I'm curious to see how this technology drives PC sales over the coming
year. Is advanced gesture-recognition something that would cause you to
upgrade to a new system?

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