On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 9:24 AM, John Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Unfortunately, your "boxes & arrows" link is broken.
Thanks, John. The correct link is

I won't even comment on the irony of an IA publication breaking all
its links. (Is that the ghost of Xanadu turning over?)

>  Which begs the classic IA/UxP/IxD question:  "So, are you a Technician or an
>  Artist?"

I prefer "craft" vs. "art". The difference is in the goal: Artists
create to please themselves, with accurate or authentic
self-expression one of the important "tests" of the finished work.
Craftspersons create things that others will use. Their work is judged
on both utility and all the subtle and ineffable qualities that raise
the work out of the mundane.

Randy Pausch posited a similar relationship between Design/Engineering
and Art/Science.

A quote from British playwright Alan Ayckbourn goes something like
this: "When I give a bloke a tea tray to carry across the stage, I try
to give him enough lines to get there."

Whitney Quesenbery
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