Hi, Gloria & Paige;

Good additions; some comments: 
the question about whether the sytem was client-facing or employee
facing is part of what was intended with the "which audience"
question I posed first... you can break "financial" interactions
down further by asking if it's DIRECTLY client facing or INdirect
(e.g. a broker, funds manager or IA betw. client and provider). 

For Gloria's last question, I make the heroic ( but reasonable ;)
assumption that there ALWAYS is a piece of back-end or legacy app
that you will have to integrate with.

Why the question about agency v. insider? and  relationship w/
developers?  These shouldn't affect requirements, altho they may
have major impact implementation details & trade-offs...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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