David Pogue at NYTimes has been out front about how in love with voice
systems he is. You can search his past columns.


On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 2:36 PM, Jeff Garbers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Most of us old-timers probably expected voice I/O to be a common part of
> personal computing by now. But here we are in 2008, and I don't see even
> early signs of voice emerging into the mainstream.  Products like Naturally
> Speaking have some popularity, but my sense is that they're used far more
> for dictation than any sort of command and response interface.   Both Mac OS
> X and Windows Vista have built-in speech recognition capability, but does
> anybody use them (or even know they're there)?
> So my question for the group is: why? Is it due to technical shortcomings,
> like recognition accuracy and dealing with background noise? Are there
> social issues, like not wanting to be overheard or feeling silly talking to
> a machine?
> Or is it that splicing a voice-based UI into current graphical interfaces
> just doesn't give a satisfactory user experience?
> This, to me, is the most intriguing possibility. Voice command today
> reminds me of the earliest versions of mice for PCs, which generated arrow
> keystrokes as you moved them around; although they were ostensibly
> compatible with the existing applications, they just didn't work well enough
> to justify using them.  Could it be that an effective voice-based UI
> requires a more basic integration into the OS and applications? Perhaps we
> need an OS-defined structure for a spoken command syntax and vocabulary
> rather than just expecting users to speak menu items?
> Why aren't we talking to our computers yet? Should we be?
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