Yes... and this to some degree borrows from Peter Hong, an amazing UX guy
now at Google.

findability + accessibility + predictability = usability,

But add in emotional appeal, because as we all know, having read Norman's
Emotional Design, that products, services, things, that garner an emotional
response, people consider more usabile, whether they are - or not.

And from Peter:
"The 'j' factor was inspired by Milton Glaser's life lesson #5... which
beautifully offers that "Less is not necessarily More", rather...

"Just enough is More"

'Just enough' of what matters to our lives so that the experience feels
wonderfully satisfying. In life, there never is a set formula."

f(j)+a(j)+p(j)/l + e(1-c)= u

e = emotional appeal
f  = findability
p = predictability
l  = learnability
c = cost

That is my 2 cents :-)

- Will

On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 5:58 PM, Jeff Garbers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This is an intriguing discussion, but I fear "Usability =
> Predictability" is a bit of an oversimplification. So just to
> antagonize...
> Consider an application with 150 functions.  The UI for this application
> consists of a single screen, with a short sentence describing each
> function in 6pt text. There is a 8x8 pixel green button next to each
> sentence. Instructions at the top of the screen say "Click the green
> button next to the function you wish to perform."
> Assume the text completely explains the function so any user can
> understand it, and when they click the tiny green button they get
> exactly the function they expect from the description of the function.
> This UI strikes me as 100% predictable, but I doubt any of us would
> consider it usable.
> So, it seems to me that as elegant as the original equation is, we might
> need something more along the lines of
>        findability + accessibility + predictability = usability
> Anybody want to add some more terms to the equation?
> _______________
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