Hey! I 100% agree with Andrei.
What gets me about UX & UCD of late are the folks that jones Lowgren
calls out in the previously referenced article (different thread) the
HCI side of IxD.

Chsrlie, I'm picking on you b/c you outlined why UCD came into
being. UCD is an engineers answer to engineering problems. And I
think after living with design research imstead of user research for
awhile now I really see parallels (the thing we do at Moto on first
bluff would look like UCD) but there are deeper differences around
processes & methods, and the overarching spirit, strategy, goals &
end uses of the research that don't resemble anything you would find
@ CHI or UPA.

Further, what really gets me about Charlie's post which.  think
Andrei talked about is the presumption that somehow users aren't
being considered by other design disciplines already. You talk about
not throwing away the past, but I feel you are ignoring the past b/c
of your unique point of view.

Look at the early IVD inventors from Norman to Nielsen and all the
early HF folks. These people were all engineers/scientists. They
noticed an impprtant problem & applied scientific methods to it,
while a host of others are now engaged in the same problem set using
non-rational, multi-linear processes applied to the same problem set,
that they've been applilyong for decades before the transister ever

I want to add that I really enjoyed Scott's approach. I would add
that often engineering leads innovation b/c of historical reasons.
Good reasons. But there is something about the relationship between
design & culture that I think makes it hard to be "disruptive" like
the examples we've mentioned.

If UCD is a philosophy though, I think it is weakened b/c of its
narrow scope. Focusing purely ok the user/human experience doesn't
always lead to what is beat for ALL humans.

- dave 

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